Return Sharon Hampson to the County Board by Ron Malzer

The La Crosse County Democratic Party is excited to endorse Sharon Hampson for the La Crosse County Board. If you live in the 7th District, and you want to see progressive actions taken by the County Board, Sharon is the clear choice.

Here are some of the reasons why progressives and independents should vote for her:

  • She has worked to constantly improve county services, while keeping taxes low.
  • She is the former Chair of the La Crosse County Health and Human Services Board.
  • She has worked and will continue to work for protecting private wells from pollution.
  • She advocates for alternatives to the criminal justice system, including Drug Court, the Crisis Center, and Ophelia’s House for non-violent female inmates.
  • She supports increased mental health services in the La Crosse County jail.

Her opponent in this election supported keeping the Big Indian statue in Riverside Park, and has publicly criticized the successful drive led by Central High School students to retire their old team name that was offensive to Native Americans.

If you live in the 7th District– eastern/southeastern La Crosse–please join your friends and neighbors  in voting for Sharon Hampson for the La Crosse County Board.

Let’s all commit to

  1. Voting by mail (note that new rules prevent anyone from mailing another’s ballot);

or b. Voting in-person between March 22 and April 1 at La Crosse’s City Clerk’s Office ;

or, c. (your last option), Voting at the polls on Election Day Tuesday April 5.

We can bring vitally important victories for democracy and inclusion if we all vote.